Bec needs your help – Tastepoint fundraiser


๐Ÿณ๏ธ Event by Alpha Theta Rover Unit and Bec Gibbs
๐Ÿ•• Friday, 24 June 2016 from 06:00pm
๐ŸŽŸ Price: free ยท Duration: 3 hr
๐ŸŒ Public  ยท Anyone on or off Facebook

I am raising money to install solar panels at our Scout Hall and I need your help! On Friday evening the 24th of June, I’m holding a Tastepoint meat tasting fundraiser. We need 60 adults (ages 18-70) to come along, taste some samples of meat, and fill out a survey. In exchange for our time, Tastepoint will donate $1000 to our solar project. There is no cost to participate and nothing to buy, it’s just market research so all we need is your time and taste buds. There are 3 time slots to choose from (6pm, 7pm and 8pm), and we require 20 people per time slot, plus a few extra people to be backups. It’s important that we fill each time slot with 20 people on the night, otherwise we won’t be paid by Tastepoint. The taste testing and survey takes approximately 50 mins to complete. Please click on the button below to sign up:

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